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Factors That Can Affect Your Blood Alcohol Content 

Richman Law Office LLC Sept. 16, 2022

Whiskey with car keys and handcuffsAs you may know, not everyone’s level of alcohol impairment is the same after consuming the same number of alcoholic beverages. There are many factors that affect your blood alcohol content, which is commonly referred to as BAC in driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while impaired (DWI) cases.  

Most people are not sure how quickly their BAC level may rise after consuming alcohol, which is why many end up getting arrested for DUI/DWI for operating a motor vehicle after drinking more than the legal limit.  

If you are facing DUI/DWI charges in Kansas or Missouri, contact Richman Law Office LLC. As a criminal defense attorney with a law office in Kansas City, I provide knowledgeable and aggressive representation to clients facing DUI and DWI charges. Depending on the facts of your case, I may be able to challenge the BAC test results to get your charges dismissed.  

Blood Alcohol Content  

Blood alcohol content, which is also known as blood alcohol concentration, refers to the amount of alcohol in the blood. Alcohol is transported via the blood to all organs, including the brain, which is why the consumption of alcohol can affect a driver’s ability to drive safely.  

A BAC level can show your level of impairment by testing your blood, breath, urine, or saliva. These methods are commonly used by law enforcement in DUI/DWI cases in Missouri and Kansas.  

In both Missouri and Kansas, the legal limit for BAC is .08%. In other words, you can face DUI/DWI charges in Missouri and Kansas if your BAC level is at .08% or above. Many drivers face drunk driving charges because they misjudge their actual intoxication level.  

Factors That Can Affect Your Blood Alcohol Content  

The level of impairment after drinking alcohol varies significantly from one person to another. There are a number of factors that can affect your blood alcohol content. Some people can have a high BAC level even after drinking one alcoholic beverage, while others may drink two or more beverages and still be below the legal limit.  

The following factors can affect how drinking alcohol will affect your BAC level: 

  • Weight. Typically, individuals who weigh more will have a lower BAC level than those who weigh less, even if they consume the same amount of alcohol. Both weight and height affect the body’s ability to metabolize alcohol.  

  • Gender. Gender also affects the rate of absorption of alcohol in the body because men tend to absorb alcohol faster than women due to the fact that women do not have the same number of enzymes that metabolize alcohol.  

  • Medications. Certain drugs can interfere with alcohol in a bad way. That is why it is never a good idea to mix medications and alcohol, especially if you are planning to get behind the wheel of your car.  

  • Rate of consumption. The absorption of the alcohol also depends on your rate of consumption. If you drink more alcoholic beverages in a short period of time, your body will not be able to metabolize alcohol effectively.  

  • The type of alcohol. Alcoholic beverages with a higher percentage of alcohol will raise the BAC level more than drinks with a lower percentage. In addition, carbonated alcoholic drinks are absorbed at a faster rate than flat drinks.  

  • Food intake. Your food intake can also affect your blood alcohol content. Eating before or during the consumption of alcohol can slow the rate of alcohol absorption. Foods high in protein and healthy fats can also slow the absorption of alcohol.  

  • Health conditions. Certain health conditions can increase or decrease the rate of absorption of alcohol.  

  • Emotional state. Your emotional state can also affect the rate at which your body absorbs alcohol. For example, stress can divert blood from the stomach to the muscles, slowing down the rate of alcohol absorption.  

These are not the only factors that can affect your blood alcohol concentration after consuming alcoholic beverages. If you believe that your BAC test results did not accurately reflect your impairment level at the time of your arrest, you may be able to fight the DUI/DWI charges filed against you.  

Don’t Risk Your Future 

If you are facing DUI/DWI charges because your BAC level exceeded the legal limit, you can fight these charges. At Richman Law Office LLC, I can help you challenge the results of your BAC test or use other defense strategies to try to minimize the adverse effects of your charge on your future. Set up a one-on-one consultation by reaching out today.